Data of the future

( datavisualization / directing / motion design )

Location : Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie

Date : 2021
Job : Directing, motion design

Chargement de la galerie

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Immersive installation – projection on a 180° panoramic screen
Duration: 27 minutes

Directed by Pascal Goblot

Based on data collected and mathematical models established today by scientists on world population, wealth, natural resources, climate and the environment, DATA DU FUTUR immerses us in 27 minutes of spectacular animated data visualization and gives us to see the evolution of the world as these data draw it in 2050, 2060, 2100.

DATA OF THE FUTURE is an immersive art installation projected in a cylinder hosting a giant 170° panoramic screen. The installation will be available in planetarium format and in VR format.

World release on July 6, 2021 at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris.

An Escalenta production in co-production with Universcience.

Find the sources of the data used in the film on this page.
