Location : Cité des Sciences et de l'industrie Paris - France Date : october 2017 to august 2018 Job : conception, production, directing
Chargement de la galerie
3 FILMS archives editing & shooting. Duration : 4 to 5 min.
CHROMA KEY 5 min. editing & motion design. How does cinema transforms green or blue screens into breathtaking landscapes ? Explanation of the techniques of chroma keying through Life of Pi.
MOTION CAPTURE 5 min. editing & motion design. If apes from The Planet of the Apes look so alive, its mostly thanks to motion capture ! But what is motion capture ?
MAKE-UP 4 min. editing & motion design. In the all digital era, cinema still needs the knowledge of make-up artists : to transform Marion Cotillard into É dith Piaf in La Môme, for exemple. But, how does it work ?